Are there special arrangements for pediatric patients?
Since the prospect of a procedure can be frightening to a young child (and also to the child's parents), our staff makes every effort to alleviate the fears of both parent and child. You and your child are invited to get acquainted with our staff and facility, please call and we will try to accommodate a tour of our facility if possible.
We recognize that a parent's presence can provide a great source of comfort for the pediatric patient. For this reason, we encourage you to stay with your child in the preoperative area before the procedure and in the post recovery area following the procedure. If your child is having a procedure, feel free to bring his/her favorite stuffed animal, security blanket, and/or favorite bottle or cup for added reassurance. You will be able to join him/her in our recovery room. As a reminder, one parent or legal guardian must remain in the building at all times during the child's stay.
Preoperative Instructions
Our physicians and nurses understand that surgery can be frightening to both parent and child.
Rest assured that your child will be attended at all times and cared for by skilled professionals. After surgery, all of our pediatric patients are brought to the Phase I Post Anesthesia Care Unit for their recovery period until they awaken. We allow children to wake up naturally after anesthesia, and this Phase I recovery period may be as long as one hour. As soon as your child awakens, you will be permitted to stay with him/her.
A Parent or Legal Guardian must remain inside the building during the child's entire stay at the Surgical Pavilion.
- If your child is 5 or younger, be sure the transportation vehicle has a child's car seat.
- We would like to give your child a balloon at discharge. If you prefer that we not do this, please let us know.
- For your child's safety during anesthesia, his or her stomach must be empty for a period of time prior to surgery. Please do not allow your child to eat or drink anything after midnight of the day of surgery, unless instructed differently by one of our nurses during your pre-admission visit or phone call.
- If you and your child are unable to pre-admit, please call us at (352) 333-4555 so that one of our staff may provide you with the information you will need about your child's surgery and to answer any questions you may have.